Please fill in the information we need to present you an offer.

Website Design Brief Template

Please provide the name of your organization? What does the organization do?

We need to know who you are and what identifies your business.
Tell us more about the industry, products, service(s), unique selling points and brand values, which your company falls under.

Your target market

What is the key to impressing your client base? The key is to match and exceed their expectations.
We need to know who your clients are, in order to create the best brand image for you.

Please provide as much information as possible about your target audience.
Please describe your website operating areas.


Describe what goals you want to achieve and the kind of activities and objectives you want users to perform, starting with the ones you consider most important.

As an example, the most common responses are more customers and increase in sales. Consider an improved client experience, resulting in better company image.
Better community engagement. Think of your business’ workflow and providing the required information.

Design and UX/UI

Yes, you can leave this entirely in the hands of our designer’s team if you don’t have any ideas worth mentioning, but your ideas might give us better insight and better final results.

Send us websites you like.
Let us know of anything else you want to mention about the logic or design of the site.
Tell us about a specific colour scheme and styles, if you have them in mind.


Outline the website’s menu structure you want, or leave it entirely to us.

For example:
Contact Us


Do you already have specific features in mind? If u do, are you open to alternative suggestions?
You can also let our competent team decide on your behalf.

Common features:
Responsive design, SEO, e-commerce, illustrations, photography, newsletter subscription with custom email template, animations, data entry, calendar, langugage versioning, translation).


Providing an indication of your budget and timeframe for the project execution will help our team to manage your expectations of what is realistically achievable.

Send us your existing logo and brand book.
hat is planned domain (URL) for your website?
If it is a replacement site, what is the current domain (URL)?
What is your approximate budget?
When are you looking to get started and for the project to be delivered by?
Who will be responsible for the website on your side? Please provide contact details.
Please provide links to your direct competitor’s websites.
Please provide links to the leader’s company websites in your sector.

Attach one or more files No more than 100MB

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