Standard News

Building a modern news platform for Standard News

The client:  "Standart" is one of the few independent media in Bulgaria with an audience of nearly 2 million people a month and includes one of the most read and trusted socio-political weeklies. Digitization in the last decade has fundamentally changed the way people are informed, which is why "Standart" has shifted its focus to the online platform


The task: The electronic news platform of "Standart" during the period 2016–2018 was not functional enough and did not allow the media team to manage their content in the best way. As professionals with decades of experience maintaining the highest standard in journalism, they turned to us to build a state-of-the-art platform to meet their level and requirements.  


The solution: Our team created a custom solution with all the functionalities needed for the media. Such a large-scale project required a thorough approach in all phases and segments of development. The technological solutions we have provided enable both the smooth and efficient work of journalists and the convenient consumption of content by users.  


The result: After the launch of the new site, user interest and positive opinions skyrocketed. Through the new platform, we have allowed Standard journalists to do what they do best without a hitch, and the results have quickly shown. For one year, reached a much larger audience than it had before. The amount of time users spend on the platform has also increased significantly. Within 4 years of the launch of the platform created by "For the People", the audience has increased drastically.

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